I have more than 20 years of experience now, and have had the opportunity of developing, learning and perfecting my skills whilst creating glasswork for many situations. These include windows, door panels, outdoor work, and even ceilings.
Having lived abroad for over 20 years it was a pleasure for me to return to the UK where we built our own house with glass studio. The design of the house incorporated several feature windows especially for me! I will include these in this section, although I really commissioned them for myself! |
Wisteria window
This window is at home and gives me great pleasure. It is 2 storeys high in the stairwell and the panels are enclosed in double glazing with toughened glass to meet building regulations.
The inspiration for the work came from a wisteria growing outside the window which has a very short flowering period, so now I can enjoy the flowers all year. It is made in a fusion of Art Nouveau and Tiffany styles, using beautiful mouth blown glass. I have used lead for the main lines, and the tiffany technique for the small flowers and leaves which results in a very light appearance. |
The Project
This piece of work became known to all around me as “The Project”! My client was inspired by the work of an American artist, (Barbara’s stained glass) who makes panels using reclaimed glass dishes, chandelier parts and all sorts of ‘found’ objects.
I scoured charity shops for interesting glass dishes, made my own moulds from them, and then cast each of the pieces in my kiln. The end result is truly a labour of love and very beautiful.
The following photos show some parts of the process, and the end result. |
This is a very pretty small window between a hall and cloakroom, installed to allow more light through to the cloakroom.
Kitchen window
A traditional design in natural autumn colours for a door between a kitchen and utility room. |
Val's window
This is a lovely round window between two rooms, which brings colour and light into an internal dining room without much natural light. It is about 70 cm in diameter. |
Roundels window
This internal window is made with spun roundels and a few glass blobs for added interest. |
Glass in woodcarving
I was asked to supply some interesting glass to enhance this beautiful piece of wood carving. The work was done by Denius Parson, (www.chainsawsculptor.uk) and my glass although quite simple was a challenge to do in such an irregular shape. |
Dragonfly window
This half circle window is in a conservatory in Cambridgeshire, and was designed beautifully by the customer.
The Wells windows
Stunning and very individual contemporary abstract design. Internal double glazed windows between a hall and new kitchen. Look for the tractor, rowing boat, trout, snail, stethoscope and many other features that are important to the owners! |
Salisbury windows
Replacement 1930’s style windows, reproduced faithfully from photos taken from a nearby house.
Clematis window
Lovely porch window with hostas and clematis. Double glazed in aluminium frame. |
Oak Tree front door
Small double glazed front door panel of an oak tree. |
Penthouse Bathroom Ceilings
Whilst living in Cyprus I was commissioned to make two ceilings for the Poseidon Hotel in Limassol. These were for the penthouse suite bathrooms. I submitted various designs with an ocean theme and these two were chosen. The rooms had mirrored walls so the effect of these backlit ceilings with reflections from the surrounding mirrors was quite stunning. They were made in two foot square panels, double glazed with toughened glass, and suspended on a metal framework with strip lights above.
Hall & Dining Room Internal Windows
These are two small internal windows which I have made in a very simple way, using colours from the decor in each space, and some pencil bevels to give them a sparkle.
Bathroom Panel
This leaded panel is in a bathroom and is made from different textures of clear glass. I did not want to add any other colour to the room so this piece works well. The design used is taken from a motif which appears on the tiles in the bathroom.
Nitsa’s Window
This is a piece of work that I did in Cyprus. It is a geometric design window in double glazing which is next to the front door. The light through the window makes wonderful patterns on the polished stone floor. |
Georgia’s Stairway Window
Also in Cyprus this is a very pretty stairway window in pinks and blues.
Anne-Marie’s Window
This is a lovely fresh looking window above patio doors. It introduces colour to the neutral kitchen and makes a nice connection between the garden and the house. |
Bathroom Pigs!
This may seem rather bizarre but the pigs are featured on the tiles in the bathroom. The rooms are obviously the bathroom and the toilet. Any design goes in stained glass, even a touch of humour in a Victorian house! |
Oak Tree Front Door Panel
This is a double glazed panel for a new front door made using the Tiffany technique. I took a series of photos during the work for the client to see the process. |
Iris Door Panel
This is an internal door panel with a Victorian style iris design. |
Hatch Doors & Matching Window
I was commissioned to make a pair of sliding hatch doors and a matching internal window. I used an oriental theme in the design to complement the style of the lacquered and eastern furniture in the apartment. A circle of bevels in the hatch doors adds class and sparkle. |
Hunting Scene
This is a large lightbox with a winter hunting scene, destined for a hunting lodge in Spain.
It has been made using semi-opaque glass so that the electric lights inside the box are not seen. It is designed to be mounted on a wall in the lodge. |